Friday, 29 November 2013

Be Yourself Because an Original is Worth More Than a Copy...

L-R: Natalie (Mummy) and Paige
Howdy Minions, welcome to my blog...have a look around, comment on a few stuff and read a lot of writing. This post is just a starter post, just so you can get to know me and my Blog. For starters let me tell you a bit about myself with this 60 question tag:

  1. What's your full name? Paige Rose Carlarne-Hall
  2. How old are you and when is your birthday? I'm 15 and my birthday is 11th of September 1998
  3. Where do you live? In England, just outside London, in a place called Essex.
  4. What is your Inheritance? German (Carlarne) and Irish but my mum and I were born in England :) 
  5. Natural Eye colour, Natural Hair Colour? Blue eyes and Brown hair (i know have golden blonde highlights) 
  6. Do you sleep with your wardrobe doors open or closed? Closed, i think my mum would kill me if i did, she's quite strict on how MY room looks :L
  7. Do you take shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel rooms? Sometimes, it depends on how big...if they are small i most likely have already used it all whilst in the shower :)
  8. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out or i feel a bit like a caterpillar :D
  9. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? People do that?
  10. Do you use post-it notes? Not unless i have to. I think my school has an obsession with them though...nearly every lesson. :s
  11. Do you cut out discount cards and never use them? Yeah but i never plan to use them in the first place, i just enjoy cutting them out or those you can pop out! I  love them ones :P
  12. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Swarm of bees, hopefully there would be water near by.
  13. Do you have freckles? Nope but i think they look pretty :D
  14. Do you always smile for pictures? Most of the time, unless its purposely a funny picture.
  15. What is your biggest pet peeve? When you're in the car, you're stuck in traffic and somebody doesn't move up *cough* mum *cough* and you could easily fit another car in! Also people who play dumb...what is the doesn't make you come across any just look stupid.
  16. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Only when walking up the stairs, i count stairs a lot.
  17. Do you ever dance when there is no music? Yep, in my bedroom or if i'm walking down my hallway :s
  18. Do you chew your pens and pencils? When i'm concentrating i in a test or something :)
  19. What is your song of the week? The Monster Eminem ft Rihanna
  20. Do you still watch cartoons? I don't really watch T.V that much.
  21. What's your least favorite movie? Some might hate me for this but Man of just repeated itself throughout
  22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? I can't tell you where I've hidden my treasure ;)
  23. What do you drink at dinner? Mostly water, sometimes Robinson's orange juice.
  24. What do you dip chicken nuggets in? Ketchup :L
  25. What is your favorite food? i don't think i have one...I'm quite fussy.
  26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Fast and furious (1-6), The host, Hunger Games (1-2), Safe Haven, Dear John, The Last Song, Footloose and Fame
  27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? Ronnie :p (My dog)
  28. Where you ever a girl scout? I was in rainbows, brownies and Guides.
  29. When was the last time you picked up a pen and wrote a letter to someone? 5 years ago, my Christmas list to Santa.
  30. Favorite sandwich? Ham and cucumber...mmmm
  31. Best thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes!!!
  32. When is your usual bedtime? I try 9:30 but most times it ends up being 11:00-11:30
  33. Are you lazy? Nope, not really. I like being active however i do enjoy having a lie in.
  34. When you were a kid, what were you for Halloween? I've been a ghost bride, a devil x4, a witch and this year i was...wait for it...a pumpkin! 
  35. What is your Chinese Astrological sign? I know this one...a Tiger :p
  36. What languages do you speak? I speak English but I am learning French at school :L
  37. Are you stubborn? I think so...yes.
  38. Are you afraid of heights? Yep but I don't let it stop me from taking part in opportunities like: Go ape, climbing the O2 and flying.
  39. Do you sing in the car? Yep, i annoy my mum a lot.
  40. Do you sing in the shower? Not really, i normally shower early in the mornings or late at night so i can't really sing.
  41. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? For our yearly school picture last week...oh god did i look bad.
  42. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? An actress, a vet, a paramedic, a vet, a firefighter, a vet...
  43. Do you believe in ghosts? I'm not really sure, i like to believe they exist because of people i have lost but I've never seen one so i can't say i fully believe.
  44. Slippers or socks? Socks...I've been told i have cool socks :D
  45. First Concert? Olly Murs :s then McFly :D 
  46. Ever taken dance lessons? I used to take Ballroom, Latin and Hip Hop lessons. When i was younger, for about 2 weeks, i done ballet then got told i was too heavy on my feet :(
  47. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Nope but i would it would be nice if he didn't work really long hours.
  48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes, i can
  49. Ever been in love? Society means nothing anymore! Nope, i haven't been in love.
  50. Who would you like to see in concert? Of Monster and Men, Imagine Dragons and One Direction (I'm sorry)
  51. Tea or Coffee? Just regular Tea, splash of milk, 2 sugars...
  52. Can you swim well? Yes, i was very young when i learnt to swim.
  53.  Are you patient? Nope, I'm really not.
  54. Ever one a competition? Yes, i won a dance competition at a caravan sight when i was 3.
  55. Ever thought of having plastic surgery? Nope and most likely won't.
  56. Best room for a fireplace? Living room so you can snuggle on the sofa with your partner with hot coco.
  57. Do you want to get married? Yes but not until I'm a lot older! I would like a boyfriend but I don't want to tie myself to someone until I know I'm happy with what I have done in my life.
  58. Do you want kids when you are older? At the moment, I don't see myself having kids but who's to say i won't change my mind... :L
  59. Favorite colour? Green :D
  60. Do you miss anyone at the moment? I don't think so...No.

After that long 60 question tag, i think i should give you a few details about this blog. Its my 3rd time writing a blog, the other two didn't really work out so hey 3rd time lucky, and i would really appreciate some nice comments, ideas ect...

Firstly, as you may have seen there on the right, i have a poll, every week (hopefully) that poll will change and i will ask you a different question! Its just an idea so i can get to know my readers :D Please vote, it will give some ideas on how to keep everybody interested.

Secondly, this blog doesn't have a specific genre, i will post anything you want me to and any ideas i get...its a pretty random blog to be honest. I will try to post at least once a week but i do have school and it's quite difficult at the moment but i promise i will try my best :)

Finally, i am open for chats...i enjoy chatting to people, getting to know people from different countries! If you have a question about anything...i mean anything...ask away. I promise to reply :D
Email me at:
Kik me at: paigeypooSmiley
or just comment below! 

Hope i have made a great first impression :D
Speak soon my Minions
Simply Me Paige 


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